
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back with More

Hey, everyone, I'm back with a few more of my artwork on the media I am a fan of. :3

Temple of Dan (Legend of Spyro adaption attempt)

In the heart of the Desert Ruins, the Temple of Dan is an ancient tomb rumored to have valuable treasure within its walls. Here lies the ruler of this temple, Dan, along with numerous booby traps and puzzles. The entrance to the temple is enforced by a magical barrier that will activate at the crack of dawn and de-activate at night. 

The large Jackals (from Spyro: Year of the Dragon, Haunted Tomb) serve as Guardians of this temple. In the daytime, they are statues, but at night, they are brought to life and attack anything that comes near. Only at this time, the temple's barrier is down, and the Guardians are alive to guard it.

Ancient Grove Palette: Cynder

If Cynder, after leaving the Dragon Temple, had wandered in the Ancient Grove, a place where its poison and dark magic nurtures and corrupts those who wanders into its depths, she'll become a different dragon...

I had inspiration of Jared Pullen, one of the artists of ANB and TEN, of his Ancient Grove enemy concept. :3

Monday, June 20, 2011

More Inspiration: Spyro Fan Art

Here are a few fan enemy concepts I created for the Spyro series. One of the dragonfly's worst enemies is the chameleon. I thought that this type of enemy would more dangerous it acquired wings.

Chamefly Enemy Concept

Chamefly King Boss Concept

The idea of the Chamefly King came to mind when I finished the Chamefly enemy concept. This enemy is feared by its lesser specimens with good reason. Young dragons, like Spyro for example, are dwarfed by the Chamefly King's massive size, and are considered food to the voracious beast since they are smaller than him.

"The Chamefly King is a massive, aggressive monster, and leader of the Chameflies. Despite being the monarch of his own species, the Chamefly King feeds off the Chameflies it sees as useless or annoyances, and devours anything else smaller than him. If enraged, the Chamefly King will swipe at the attacker using its four pairs of claws. It will also use its camouflage as an advantage technique to sneak up on its prey and ensnare it with its long sticky tongue, but like all Chameflies, its nose horns remains visible.

Unlike the Chameflies, the Chamefly King can completely fly into the air using its two pairs of wings."

Dante's Freezer Armor Set

Swamp Armor Set

Munitions Forge Armor Set

Concurrent Skies Armor Set

Tall Plains Armor Set

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Game Level Design Class Begins..

This is my first homework assignment on my Level Design class: a blueprint of my simple box level.

The box level I made using Valve Hammer:

The level blueprint:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Skylanders Inspiration

Throughout my years as a Spyro the Dragon fan, I've seen the fascinating variety of characters with wonderful personalities and abilities in the game series.

With the addition of the upcoming Spyro game, Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, I couldn't help but let my imagination of making a fan character for the game come to light as I was quite fascinated with the toy concept of the game and its characters. I wanted to make an interesting character who is unique and is part of a species that almost rivals the mighty form and history of dragons. After a while, I remembered the mythical Aztec god, the Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent that is often confused of being a dragon. After some thinking, a Quetzalcoatl is what I wanted to make my character as.

I wanted to make my character to be effective and pretty at the same time. Being based on the Aztec myth, I had to do a few research on the designs of the Aztecs. Although it took a lot of tries and sketches, I finally managed to create the right design for my Quetzalcoatl character.

Coatl Aztec Protector: Tuula

The name 'Tuula' means 'wind' in Finnish. I find it to be a suitable name for my Quetzalcoatl character, since her Element is Air. :)
I was quite surprised at how I managed to pull off on drawing Tuula in her most aggressive stance in the picture shown above. Her lunging strike in a serpentine, graceful pose displays how a vicious and cunning character Tuula can be when in the face of danger.

Tuula's Toy and Normal Concept

Tuula Concept #2

Tuula Concept #3

In addition, I was so intrigued by the game concept for Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure that I even created a biography for Tuula as I noticed all 32 official characters in Skylanders will have bios of their abilities and personalities. It is truly exciting to see where your imagination of the things you love to do takes you, and helps accomplish feats you thought it would be impossible to do.

Tuula Biography

Species: Quetzalcoatl
Element: Air
Primary Attack: Aerial Strike
Secondary Attack: Wind Cutter
Upgrades include: Flight, Wind Seeker, Razorwind
Biography: Tuula takes her responsibility in protecting her Aztec home from troublemakers and evil doers almost seriously. She came from a long line of feathered coatls who were hailed as gods to the natives in her land. When evil rears its ugly head, Tuula uses her speed and wind strikes to their advantage to confuse and strike down her foes. This winged serpent may seem serious in her battle against evil, but she is good at heart, calm and calculated towards the other Skylanders.
Personality: Tuula is calm and calculated when faced against evil, and is a fierce ally during combat. She doesn't take her enemies seriously unless her opponents are strong. When around friends, she can be seen as serene, calm, collected, and nice as long as you don't irritate her.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scheduled for Introduction to 3D Animation class (Cancelled)

This summer, I scheduled a class for 3D Animation. When I have the time, I will post my animation class projects on this blog in the near future and show how much I am good at it. :3

EDIT: My 3D Animation class, unfortunately, has been cancelled due to not having enough students signing up for the class. I signed up for the class of Level Design soon afterwards. :3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fan Art and Fascination: Spyro the Dragon

I've been a huge fan of the Spyro the Dragon series ever since I was a little girl. I've played the first game of Spyro the Dragon on the Playstation 1, and continued playing the games even after Insomniac finished their time in developing the Classic trilogy.

The introduction of the Legend of Spyro series really got me very interested in the Spyro series again. Its story, the characters, and the worlds that revolve around the story trilogy really re-imagined the world of Spyro into a whole new light. I was a little sad that the next Spyro game of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure won't be set in the Legend of Spyro universe. Fortunately, the Spyro shown in the game reveals that he still a rare purple dragon and hints that he has been on many exciting adventures, and I knew that this Spyro shows that he never truly left my childhood.

My picture displayed above signifies my adoration for the Legend of Spyro series. This area in the Swamp really caught my interest, being Spyro's birthplace and the home of his foster family of dragonflies. When I finished this picture in June 2010, it took a while to capture the wet and swampy atmosphere that the wetlands had, yet the murky water still looked like it could use a little work. The giant mushrooms that tower over the wetlands like trees really fascinated me when I first played the Legend series, as well as the creativity of the creatures dwelling there developed by the imagination of the concept artists who worked on the games.

Shortly after the release of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night, I began drawing my first set of Spyro Fan Art. Although in beginner's quality, the fan art was given positive feedback from the ones who watched my art, and I slowly improved my drawing quality as I proceeded to become fascinated by the reveal and arrival of The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon.

I will post more fan art of the Spyro series in the near future, and possibly my other projects that will made in my days of studying to become a Concept Artist, hopefully an artist listed in something I adore. Thank you for your time. :3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome, and Hello :)

This is my first ever post on my blog here. In the near future, I will show my works of art and describe my experience as an artist. Though I am still a student in college learning the principles of being a concept artist, this will not deter me from showing you all my art pieces and possible improvement. 

The picture shown above is an art illustration of a couple of floating islands, the possible remains of a flying city, drawn back in late October 2010. After playing a level of the Floating Islands in a game called The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, I was inspired to draw a more friendlier version of the level. The background of the silent blue atmosphere during the day helps display the peaceful airy look of the floating islands. The addition of the waterfall generated from the water pumps of the abandoned floating city gives off the beautiful sense of the floating clumps of land. The trees, particularly the pink one, are nurtured by the water in the atmosphere and are still supported by the islands they grew on.

Thank you for your time and patience on looking at this first blog of future many blogs I may post. :3